Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Technology is developing and changing everyday. How do we keep up? One day you go out and buy the newest, greatest, smartest cell phone on the market and by the end of the week they have come out with something new. This blog reminds me of the commercials that show someone buying some new electronical device and then somehow they are shown that what they just purchased is already outdated. I think that technology, like everything else in this world, has its bad and its good qualities. On the negative side, technology is expensive making it unaffordable to for everyone to have. It also replaces people in the work place. Companies see machines doing the job better than people doing the job because that is that much less coming out on their payroll and more money in their pockets. In some ways, technology seems to be taking over. My grandmother made a comment just the other day about how she doesn't know what people today would do without computers and cell phones because they run our lives and in some ways I agree with her. On the positive side, I think almost everyone would agree that all the new technology makes our lives easier. I have a computer, a camera, a recorder, an alarm clock, games and a phone all in one device: my cell phone. How great is that? When I'm on the go I can check my email, get on Facebook and be easily contacted by anyone who needs to get ahold of me. Technology definetly can make our lives simpler but as far as better? I'm not totally sure.


  1. I agree technology just like everything can be abused and misused for a harmful purpose.

  2. I completely agree. Tehcnology makes life so much simpler but as far as better, well not really except for medicine. People would be lost without some technology.

  3. Technology is going out of this world! It is taking over! And I agree with the companies using them to take over. People are way better at the job than some crazy robotic machine! Goood Blog :D

  4. Good points! I totally agree. Also the ability to track people is scary...
