Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Favorite Movie

Trying to think of what my all time favorite movie is is tough.There are too many to choose from. So, I guess I'll go with one of me and Madison's favorites, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp and he is amazing in this movie. Watching the movie, it would be easy for anyone to believe that Depp is not really Depp, but a strange, genius candy inventor that has umpa-lumpas for employees in some crazy, magical candy factory. I love the story line itself. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the original make of this movie, is good but the remake with Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka is better to me personally. It is directed by Tim Burton, so you automatically know it is a little darker than the original. The characters are have such distinct personalities and are played out so well. I love how all the umpa-lumpa's are played by one person and have such sarcastic attitudes throughout the entire thing. I also like that in this film it gives a little more history into the private life of Willy Wonka because it makes it a little more interesting. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an entertaining movie that has a good story of a poor little boy who has nothing but hope and family and in the end is given the most successful candy factory in the world. I do let Madison watch this movie although I know there are a few parts that are a little mature for her age but she really enjoys it too. It's a great movie!


  1. Haha see I thought this was one of the like not worse movies, but most def the weirdest lol.. I think it's great that you and your daughter can share such a good movie.. I am still a big fan of the Orignal one though lol.. Great BLOG

  2. You know, you make a valid point. Whatever the childs favorite movie is, it tends to invade the parents life until he/she gets sick of it. More power to you!
