Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Flowering Arches by Claude Monet

My dad has always had an interest in art and he passed that interest along to me. I saw this painting back when I was in elementary school and have loved it ever since. It is called The Flowering Arches by Claude Monet. Monet is one of my favorite painters. It was painted in 1913 and hangs in the Phoenix Art Museum. I have yet to see it in person. One reason I love this painting so much is because of its obvious beauty. The roses covering the arches, the water and waterlilies make for a beautiful scene. It looks like it would be a very romantic spot although it was actually built to cover a railroad, making it not as romantic. He did multiple versions of a lot of different settings such as Waterlilies, Haystacks and the Japanese Bridge and out of all those pieces of art, this one always stands out to me. This painting me wonder whether this particular place had special meaning to Monet. This painting being so beautiful is also mysterious to me. Monet was an amazingly talented artist and had so many gorgeous paintings. Many of them were painted of his own family and on his own land in Giverny, France. His house where he painted and had his gardens are now a museum in France and I would love to be able to see it someday. Out of all the amazing paintings, this one has always been one of my favorites.


  1. I think it is awesome how your dad passed the interest along to you. This is a very pretty picture..

  2. I studied some of Monet's paintings in high school and I always like his work. I think it is interesting how he painted many different versions of the same scenes. I think it would be a great experience to go to his house in France.
