Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our Children's Lives Without TV

"If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings"

I mostly agree with this statement. This is based on personal experience and facts I've learned from the doctor, other parents and reading on the topic. If there wasn't TV, kids would have to be occupied doing other things such as physical activities to keep their bodies healthy or creative activities to keep their brains thinking. Although there are so many childrens educational TV shows out there to watch, I don't feel like they are educating in the right way. I feel like hands on experience and learning things with family and friends will help children better learn and remember it rather than watching it on the TV. Madison loves to watch Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and her favorite, Spongebob Squarepants but I limit the amount of time she spends sitting in front of the TV because there are so many other fun, explorational things she could be doing. Also, what does everyone like to do while their watching a movie or watching TV? Eat! I love to eat popcorn during a movie or a snack during Grey's Anatomy. Madison is the same way and I'm sure she is not the only one. We'll share popcorn or she'll ask for some fruitsnacks during cartoon time. If we weren't sitting in front of the TV, we would probably be eating a little less and a little healthier. Whenever I take Madison to annual check ups at the pediatricians office, they always say to limit TV time to no more than two hours daily. I don't think they would repeat themselves at every appointment just for fun. There are reasons behind it. Without TV, I do think children would grow up to be more independent. Children would be encouraged to be themselves rather than what they're told they should be on TV. Kids everyday watch TV shows that tell them how to look, think, dress and act and anything else is unacceptable. Kids are influenced by their favorite TV stars and shows and unfortunately not all of them are good examples. Although TV can be so entertaining and relaxing, it unfortunately has some negative side effects so it needs to be used wisely!


  1. This is a great blog!! It is really nice because you have a child and can relate on how it affects her. I love how you see both sides of the view, but lean more on how we don't need TV. Very good way of answering the question.

  2. It is good that you limit the time your daughter spends in front of the television. Also, I like how you personalized this topic. Good job!
