Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am a facebook user. I like facebook because it is a great way to keep in touch with old friends and distant family members. Because of Facebook I can easily keep in touch with two friends that have moved to Japan and Texas. I like being able to upload recent pictures of Madison and show off how cute she is and let family members who don't get to see her very often see how much she's growing up. I get on facebook quite a bit and I'll put up new statuses every now and then but in no way do I feel like I have to get on facebook everyday or my world will come to an end like some people do. I think some people get way too addicted to Facebook. They feel the need to put every detail of their day on Facebook. Personally, I am way too busy to update my status everytime I do something. I would rather spend time with Madison or go do something productive than sit on Facebook all day anyways. I also think some people put way too much personal information on their page. People need to stop putting all their personal business and airing their dirty laundry for the world wide web to see. I don't totally agree with employers searching potential employees Facebook pages. I know they are able to but I don't think they should base their decision on it. Although I do think when you're trying to get a job, you're not totally yourself and employers seeing your page might help them get to know you better on a personal level. Whether that's a negative or a positive thing is based on the person. Either way, the key is to not put things on Facebook that you would be embarrassed for just anyone to see! Facebook, like anything else you do on the internet, has its risks. You never know what kind of creep is out there searching your personal information. I think businesses and TV stations having Facebook pages is a good way to look them up and get more information on them or what's coming up but on the other hand it's annoying. When I first signed up for Facebook there was hardly any advertising. Now when you go to anyones page, there is a ton of ads and popups. Overall, I really like Facebook. I think it is a good thing if you use it the right way.


  1. I am one of those people who update everything lol. :D I dont have a lot of free time to be on there. Well let me rephrase. i shouldnt be on there as much as I am but I am anyways lol.. Good way of saying everything as well.. I love facebook lol.

  2. I think facebook is a great way to stay connected and it's nice to be able to talk to friends all over the world.
